Design custom amazon virtual assistant



Millions of Alexa devices (Amazon Echo) have been sold. Developing an Alexa Skill can be a marketing tool, providing a voice-first experience about your business, similar to a mobile app.
I can create a skill to answer frequently asked questions about your business or organization. Or I can create a skill for Alexa to randomly state facts about your business or organization.
I have created # of skill that includes fact skills, yoga skills, meditation skills, sound skills, podcast skills.

For example, I can create a skill for the following dialogue:
Person: “Alexa, launch [your business name here]”
Alexa: “Welcome to [business name]. Ask me for [business name]’s mission or vision.”
Person: “What is the mission?”
Alexa: “The mission of [business name] is to make the world a better place.”
If Skill submission is selected, the client must provide a whois domain name proof of ownership and/or documentation of company authorization to submit a skill in the company’s name. Skill approval is at the discretion of Amazon; I will follow best practices.


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